Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Intel: Small Changes Big Impact

For years Intel has been a well-known name in the technology world, but now with the advent of  a new, even smaller microchip technology, a small change could have a huge impact. Most people know that technology continues to get faster and faster. However, most are unaware of the reasons why, or even how that is possible. Understanding the basic design behind the technology consumers use every day, may go a long way in really appreciating the amount of effort being put into making everyday life a little easier.
Manufacturers may be able to pop out a new phone every couple of months like its easy as pie, but only because of the efforts of major chip companies like Intel. Many may not realize the obstacles that must be overcome in order to bring about that Note 4 or iPhone 6. Intel’s new 14 nm(nanometer) technology had to overcome the same obstacles as many before it. The main problems usually tend to center around power and space. Just so that it is understood, a nanometer is about how much a human nail grows per second, and a piece of paper is about 100,000 nm thick in comparison. While the understanding of what exactly this measurement refers to in relation to a microchip has been a bit blurred over the last few years, clarification is still possible. Basically, the smaller the measurement in nanometers, the more transistors can be fit on to any given chip.
Much of the smartphones and tablets in use today are using 22 to 28 nm technology. While Intel has not been involved to a very large degree in creating chips specifically for mobile technology in the past, following this small change to 14 nm technology, the tech giant could start to be seen far more often as the immense impact is felt around the technological world. This new technology draws half the power of current standard chips, not to mention half the space as well. This means that far more technology will be made available to each handset, tablet or other mobile device. Many flagship phones today run on quad-core processors, it is possible however that octa-core processors could become the new norm. This new technology is not simply limited to the mobile world however. Data servers, home desktops, Ultrabooks and many of the upcoming IoT (Internet of Things) technologies will no doubt be running on this new standard as well.
Intel will be making this new advancement available in new devices by the end of 2014. While billions await their new phones, tablets and many other devices, it remains important that the details are known about the trials that companies like Intel go through in order to bring about the “next best thing.” So perhaps in the future consumers will be able to appreciate just what went into making the Note 5, iPhone 7, and so on. As time goes by and mankind requires even more advancement in science and technology, companies like Intel will still be there making all the precise little changes that will have a big impact.

Microsoft Surface Attacks MacBook Air

Today Microsoft made a somewhat major attack with its new ads for the Surface Pro 3, coming up against what some consider to be the reigning “King of Ultrabooks,” the MacBook Air. Perhaps Microsoft figured that they would spice things up a bit by taking potshots at Apple, just like the good old days(2006-2009, Google “Get a Mac”). Showing great confidence in their new Surface Pro 3, Microsoft released three new ads titled “Crowded,” “Head-to-Head,” and “Power.” In each instance the tech giant did not waste any time in making the Mac user feel stupid. The Mac user might as well of not even turned on his Ultrabook.
The issues with these two companies go back decades, so it is no surprise that eventually one of the two would try to pin a sticky note on the other’s back. However, a large question seems to sit awkwardly in the minds of the viewer after watching each of these commercials. Is Microsoft really in a position to pose these attacks on Apple? After all there is something to be said for friendly, healthy, competition. Before this question can really be answered, however, examining the hardware in question may help some.
The 13 inch screen on the MacBook Air was not designed for touch, and the 12 inch screen on the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 was, which gives one advantage to the Microsoft product.  The next point to consider is each device’s screen resolution. The Surface Pro 3 boasts an amazingly vivid 2160 x 1440 pixel (px) display, with the MacBook Air coming in at 1440 x 900 px without the famed IPS display.  Moving down to the keyboard, the MacBook Air has the point here because of having an integrated, and backlit, keyboard. While the keyboard on the Surface Pro 3 is backlit, many users may find it difficult to get used to the somewhat cramped surface-area, pun intended. Not to mention that the keyboard is not included in the purchase of a Surface Pro 3, consumers must pay an additional $130 USD for it. Being detachable may not be a great enough feature to convince the average consumer to buy one. Although, in an office environment the story may change a bit, but more on that later. Microsoft Surfaces attack on the MacBook Air so far is one for one.
Considering that the Microsoft Surface Pro 3, without the keyboard, is in fact a tablet; having a full size USB 3.0 port as well as a Micro HDMI port for attaching external displays, is quite a feat. However, being compared to a full Ultrabook like the MacBook Air, that may not be enough. With the Ultrabook sporting two USB 3.0, as well as a one Thunderbolt port, the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 finds itself arguably out gunned in the port department. Continuing on to the internals of these giants of industry, hard drive space is always important. Both of these devices have the same high-end capacity of 512GB SSDs, although the SSD inside the Surface Pro 3 is just a bit slower. The average user, however, is not going to be doing a side-by-side comparison, and so most likely will not notice the difference. While comparing the highest end versions of these devices it should also be mentioned that both come with 8GB of RAM maximum.
Processor speed is one of the most important specifications to consider when choosing which device to purchase and these two devices are no different. The Microsoft Surface Pro 3 comes with an Intel i7-4650U processor clocking in at 1.7 GHz, with a turbo clock of 3.3GHz. The MacBook Air has the exact same processor as well as clock speeds. Rapping up, both have 802.11 b/g/n/ac wireless capabilities, as well as Bluetooth 4.0. Without the keyboard attachment the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 reaches $1949 USD, while the MacBook Air runs $1749 USD.
Microsoft has always had the lions share when it comes to business users. While Apple has made large strides in this area, and no doubt many businesses may solely rely on Macs, there is little debate as to who is reigning in the business world. Because of the prevalence of both Microsoft Windows and Office in the workplace many companies will no doubt choose the Surface, so there is no need for additional training. In addition, running full versions of Photoshop, for example, with the Surface Pen is quite the game changer.
While much more can be said, and no doubt will be said, about these two devices, the fact remains that they are not really much different from one another in terms of hardware. Being a good sport will always be important in the “Big Tech” business, but until Microsoft pushes past living in 2006 there may not be too much more innovation in the industry. The Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is a powerful tool, but it should be used to innovate and create more options for consumers, not attack Apple’s MacBook Air.